Page 3 - CHINA WORLD No40 四月刊-FINAL
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CHINA WORLD   APRIL 2019 / 2019 年 4 月刊  03


                                                  SPRING SHOPPING FESTIVAL

           购物返礼金券 (4 月 19 日 - 21 日)                                           E-coupon bonanza (April 19-21)
           国贸商城钻石卡、金卡会员活动期间当日累计消费每满 1000 元赠 50 元电子礼金                          China World Mall diamond and gold card members have the chance to grab a 50 yuan
           券。每人每日 11:00 至 21:00 限领一次。                                         e-coupon for every 1,000 yuan spent at designated Mall stores. One e-coupon per day 11
           【电子礼金券领取地址】                                                        am-9 pm.
           国贸商城南区:B1 服务台(爱马仕对面)及 L1 服务台(MAXMARA 旁)                            Where to get e-coupons
           国贸商城北区:B1 会员中心(太平洋咖啡对面)及新会员中心(屈臣氏旁)                                South Zone: Concierges, B1 (near Hermes) and Concierges, L1 (near Max Mara), China
           【活动细则】                                                             World Mall.
               现金支付、购储值卡、储值卡支付、预付定金、定金支付均不计入本活动消费                             North Zone: Membership Center (near Pacific Coffee) and the New Membership Center
              满额的计算。                                                          (near Watsons), B1, China World Mall.
               餐饮、超市、美容、美发、美体、美甲、黄金、医疗、课程、特卖店铺不参与返券。                          Terms and conditions:
               电子礼金券需由会员本人持当日有效销售单、支付凭证和会员卡领取。                                   Cash, gift cards, down payments and deposits are not included.
               电子礼金券返至会员在国贸商城微信服务号的会员账户内,使用时请向收券店                                Restaurants, supermarkets, beauty and hair salons, gold purchases, medical care,
              铺出示。                                                              classes, on-sale goods are not included.
               电子礼金券使用有效期至 2019 年 5 月 19 日。                                      Mall members can exchange e-coupons with membership cards, payment vouchers
                                                                                and sales slips only on the day of purchase.
           积分换礼 (4 月 22 日 - 5 月 12 日)                                            E-coupons will be sent to the relevant membership account via the Mall WeChat
           活动期间在国贸商城购物的钻石卡、金卡会员请本人持有效身份证件办理积分兑                                  service platform. Please show the e-coupon to shops when using.
           换,或委托代办人携双方有效身份证件复印件办理兑换。兑换时间为活动期间每                                   E-coupons expire May 19, 2019.
           天 10:00 至 21:00。

                兑换档位                           兑换礼品                           Redemption of points (April 22-May 12)
                                                                              China World Mall diamond and gold card members or your representatives can redeem
                100 万积分                        1 万元电子礼金券
                                                                              points by showing copies of their IDs or both IDs, 10 am-9 pm daily April 22-May 12.
                10 万积分                         1 千元电子礼金券
                                                                                   Points                     Rewards
                1 万积分                          100 元电子礼金券                          1 million points           10,000 yuan e-coupons
                5 千积分                          50 元电子礼金券                           100,000 points             1,000 yuan e-coupons
                                                                                   10,000 points              100 yuan e-coupons
                                                                                   5,000 points               50 yuan e-coupons
           国贸商城北区 B1 会员中心(太平洋咖啡对面)及 B1 新会员中心(屈臣氏旁)
                                                                              Redemption address
           普通卡会员升级后办理兑换。升级需本人持有效身份证件办理,且验证注册手                                 Membership Center (near Pacific Coffee) and the New Membership Center (near
                                                                              Watsons), B1, North Zone, China World Mall.
           电子礼金券有效期至 2019 年 5 月 19 日,逾期作废。                                    Rules
                                                                              Non-gold or non-diamond member can exchange e-coupons after upgrading your
                                                                              membership card by presenting your valid ID and verifying via your mobile.
                                                                              E-coupons will expire on May 19, 2019.
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