Page 12 - CHINA WORLD No74六七月刊-FINAL
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CHINA WORLD   JUNE - JULY 2022 / 2022 年 6-7 月刊  12

                                      国贸商城:堂食回归   人气回暖    DING-IN RETURNS TO MALL BY POPULAR DEMAND

                                                                                                         MORNING COFFEE,

                                                                                                          AFTERNOON TEA &

                                                                                                            EVENING ALCOHOL

                                                                             White-collar workers know their beverages.
                  PEET'S:23 元 10 点前贝果 + 精选黑咖啡”
                                                                             Peet’s: Before 10 am, 23 yuan for a bagel and select black coffee
                  星巴克:29 元大杯焦糖玛奇朵 / 香草风味拿铁 / 榛果风味拿铁”
                                                                             Starbucks: 29 yuan for a large cup of caramel macchiato/vanilla latte/hazelnut latte
                  GREYBOX: 28 元 11 点前羊角 + 标杯澳白 / 拿铁
                                                                             Greybox: Before 11 am, 28 yuan for croissant and flat white/latte
                  %Arabica:50 元冰西班牙拿铁
                                                                             %Arabica: 50 yuan for iced Spanish latte
                  太平洋 Luxe/BREW BAR: 手冲咖啡(不同咖啡豆价格不等)
                                                                             Luxe/Brew Bar: Handmade coffee (Prices vary depending on beans)
                  MANNER COFFEE: 性价比之王,怎么点都划算
                                                                             Manner Coffee: Best offer!
                  奶茶 / 下午茶推荐
                                                                             Tea with milk/afternoon tea
                                                                             F. Bistronome: Paris Paradise afternoon tea for two
                  VOGUE CAFÉ: 大英博物馆双人下午茶
                                                                             Vogue Café: British Museum afternoon tea for two
                  煮叶 / 茗贤汇:高品质满足您对茶叶的挑剔,环境一个清新、一个清净
                                                                             Teasure: High-quality tea in a clean and serene ambiance
                  吃茶三千 / 楽楽茶 / 牛茶 / 原鲜果汁:随时来一杯的快乐
                                                                             Chicha San Chen/Lelecha/Teasuper/Original Fresh: Enjoy your favorite tea
                  Shake Shack: 本月起推出牛油果奶昔
                                                                             Shake Shack: Avocado milkshake from June on
                                                                             Not only cocktails, but also wine clubs.
                  威士忌铺:在大众点评 APP 推出“单杯月票”、“酒精盲盒”,领略风
                                                                             The Whiskypool: Find special coupons and bargains at
                                                                             Snap: Enjoy the iced dry white wine, rose wine, sparkling wine and champagne
                  SNAP: 露台夏夜,怎能错过冰爽的干白、桃红、贵腐酒、起泡酒、香槟
                                                                             Wine & Wine International: Wines from world-famous chateaus can be found here
                  PEET'S       SB132B 南区 B1 South Zone & NL2026 北区 二层 L2 North Zone  茗贤汇       SL5005 南区 五层 L5 South Zone     (8610) 8595 8499
                  星巴克          SB126 南区 B1 South Zone & CL2001 中区 二层 L2 Central Zone  吃茶三千      CL3001 中区 三层 L3 Central Zone   182 0100 3000
                             & 3L206 北区 二层 L2 North Zone    (8610) 8535 1834  楽楽茶         SB1045B 南区 B1 South Zone     182 0133 7661
                  GREYBOX      NL4012 北区 四层 L4 North Zone     (8610) 8595 0705  牛茶        3B2-1 北区 B2 North Zone     178 1069 4133
                  %Arabica       3L106A 北区 一层 L1 North Zone                  原鲜果汁         3B2-2 北区 B2 North Zone & NL1018 北区 一层 L1 North Zone
                  太平洋 Luxe      CL1001 中区 一层 L1 Central Zone   (8610) 6505 9678           (8610) 8595 9607
                  BREW BAR       3B119 北区 B1 North Zone     (8610) 8535 1160  Shake Shack       3L115 北区 一层 L1 North Zone     (8610) 8595 0311
                  MANNER COFFEE   WB111 南区 B1 South Zone                     威士忌铺         NL1017 北区 一层 L1 North Zone     178 0153 5093
                  福楼毕斯罗        NL7005 北区 七层 L7 North Zone     (8610) 8595 9597  SNAP      六层露台北端 North of L6 Terrace     (8610) 6585 6887
                  煮叶           3B215 北区 B2 North Zone      (8610) 5368 0825  名庄荟          SL5008 南区 五层 L5 South Zone
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